Die Homepage der „Association of Records Managers and Administrators“ (ARMA) ist seit einiger Zeit nicht zu erreichen. Daher soll kurz darauf hingewiesen werden, was ARMA eigentlich darstellt. ARMA ist eine internationale informationswissenschaftliche Vereinigung aus Nordamerika mit über 10.000 Mitgliedern. Diese kommen aus dem Archivwesen verwandten Berufssparten, sind zumeist sog. „records manager“. ARMA kooperiert insofern u.a. mit Bibliothekaren und Archivaren. Neben dem derzeit im Netz nicht zu erreichenden Dachverband (www.arma.org) besteht die ARMA aus diversen Regionalgruppen („Chapter“), die sich v.a. über den nordamerikanischen Kontinent verteilen und teilweise eine jahrzehntelange Verbandstradition aufweisen.
Als nicht-kommerzieller Berufsfachverband des Informationsmanagements beschäftigt sich ARMA vor allem mit Fragen der Schaffung, des Gebrauchs, der Vermittlung und der Aufbewahrung von „Informationen“ und ihren Medien. Es geht dabei um Aufbewahrungsfristen und -modalitäten, um Fragen der Handhabung und Bewertung, sowie um die Problematik der Datenmigration („we are involved in optical imaging, document management, magnetic media, and micrographics“).
Die Gewährleistung der authentischen und zeitnahen Informationsvermittlung gemäß der gesetzlichen Bestimmungen hat sich die ARMA auf ihre Fahnen geschrieben, sich dafür einem Kodex fachlicher Grundsätze („Code of Professional Responsibility“) unterworfen.
Code of Professional Responsibility
Information and records management is that field within the information profession responsible for managing the creation, use, maintenance, and disposition of records generated in the normal functioning of all types of organizations.
The Association of Records Managers and Administrators (ARMA International) is a not-for-profit organization representing professionals in the field of information and records management. Its primary purpose is the advancement of records and information management through education and professional development.
Purposes of the Code
This code is intended to increase the awareness of ethical issues among information and records management practitioners and to guide them in reflection, decision making, and action in two broad areas of ethical concern: society and the profession.
The Social Principles
Because of their responsibilities to society, information and records managers:
- Support the free flow and oppose censorship of publicly available information as a necessary condition for an informed and educated society.
- Support the creation, maintenance, and use of accurate information and support the development of information management systems which place the highest priority on accuracy and integrity.
- Condemn and resist the unethical or immoral use or concealment of information.
- Affirm that the collection, maintenance, distribution, and use of information about individuals is a privilege in trust: the right to privacy of all individuals must be both promoted and upheld.
- Support compliance with statutory and regulatory laws related to recorded information
The Professional Principles
Because of their responsibilities to their employers or clients as well as to their profession, information and records managers:
- Pursue appropriate educational requirements for professional practice, including a program of ongoing education and certification.
- Accurately represent their education, competencies, certifications, and experience to superiors, clients, co-workers and colleagues in the profession.
- Serve the client or employer at the highest level of professional competence.
- Recognize illegal or unethical situations and inform the client or employer of possible adverse implications.
- Avoid personal interest or improper gain at the expense of clients, employers, or co-workers.
- Maintain the confidentiality of privileged information.
- Enrich the profession by sharing knowledge and experience; encourage public discussion of the profession's values, services, and skills.
- Are actively committed to recruiting individuals to the profession on the basis of competence and educational qualifications without discrimination.“
Die folgende Linkliste gibt einen ausschnitthaften Überblick über Kooperationspartner der ARMA:
- Academy of Certified Archivists www.certifiedarchivists.org
- AIIM International www.aiim.org
- American Library Association www.ala.org
- American National Standards Institute www.ansi.org
- Business Forms Management Association www.bfma.org
- Contingency Planning & Management www.contingencyplanning.com
- Library and Information Technology Association www.lita.org
- NARA, US National Archives & Records Administration www.archives.gov
- Professional Records & Information Services Management www.prismintl.org
- Society For Information Management www.simnet.org
- The Computing Technology Industry www.comptia.org
- The International Facility Management Association www.ifma.org
- The Society of American Archivists www.archivists.org